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Alexander-Rüstow-Plakette 2018

Award ceremony for the Alexander-Rüstow-Plakette to Federal Chancellor
Dr. Angela Merkel

  Berlin, June 15, 2018

The Alliance for the Social Market Economy (ASM) awarded the Alexander-Rüstow-Plakette to Federal Chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel for her merits as a promoter of a cosmopolitan and human-oriented market economy and her commitment to the dialogue in Europe.

The honor also applies to Dr. Merkel’s determination to unite democracy and economy in uncertain times and to consider the Social Market Economy as a continuous and vivid reform process. Prof. Dr. Nils Goldschmidt, the chairman of the board of the ASM, presented Federal Chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel with the Alexander-Rüstow-Plakette in Berlin within an elaborate exchange of ideas on June 15, 2018.

The ASM is happy to answer all questions and to send the new and visually appealing handout “What is the Social Market Economy? 10 Principles”.

Ute Friederich · Management board
Aktionsgemeinschaft Soziale Marktwirtschaft e.V.
Telephone +49 7071 550600

  “What is the Social Market Economy? 10 Principles” Brochure as PDF-Download

Photos of the award ceremony: ASM / Thomas Rosenthal
Photo of the handover of the portrait: Federal Government / Guido Bergmann

Overpainting Cover: Wilhelm Beestermöller

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